The work

Nubika…mistery woman…given back by the sea 3/15

Melissa…fine art femininity

Candles & shells

Golden arty shellstand….with or without flowers

Mystery woman… given back by the sea 3/15

Mystery woman… given back by the sea 2/15

Woman in element…jewelry stand black 2/20

Supposedly different stand…inspiring buttocks.. 1/20

Mystery man… given back by the sea 1/15
Coming from a totally different background, I followed my intuition entering into Arts & Crafts.
Wanting to give expression to my inspiration from inside, using my hands.
My process of creating is instinctive and with only little premeditation.
Driven by creativity and the materials around me in the moment, I simultaneously work on different artworks.
Converting a flow of ideas into resonating new work feels like a…. FreeFall.
I am a gatherer, collector, observer and self-taught.
I like to upcycle and play with waste materials ended up in landfills or beaches and give them a next Arty life
~ Willem-Frans Janssen ~
When your actions and thoughts strike
that living spark in you, engender your soul,
you work from that subterranean flow of
joy that runs like a laughing torrent in you
~ Rumi ~
~ ~ ~
To me there is no point in producing new materials when many already exist.
I like to reuse and combine sculptural scrap materials.
Natural resources such as wood, shells, metal and glass boost my creativity.
All materials are found and collected from landfills, beaches and waste containers for stained glass, plastic and metal.
Not to forget my local fish restaurant, always willing to collect its shells.
I am especially fascinated by shells, through their natural colours, wide varieties and the depth they carry.
The uniqueness of every individual shell is striking by their appearance, shape and size.
Not one shell is identical.
All materials combined, provide me with infinite inspiration to upcycle and create new forms
~ ~ ~